Hello, I'm NatÃda
Mother of three, Wild, Wise Woman who is in touch with her roots and her nature, aligned with her source.
I work with and for Love with great respect. I do this for Women and Mothers in the phase of becoming a mother. I walk with them for a while on their path of transformation. I guide and honor the women who understand that they do not have to walk this path themselves, but alone, so that they can sink even deeper and live in line with their true being.

Mom, Woman, Human
I know from my own experience how exceptionally transformative the period of pregnancy and birth can be.
I was able to bring three beautiful children into the world (in 2017, 2019 & 2021). Three completely different pregnancies, births and postpartum experiences. They were invitations for me to discover the deeper layers of my being. A real initiation into life as a woman.
I am deeply impressed by the process of pregnancy and birth and the...
invitations hidden in it for us as women to get deeper to our core.
All my experiences therein are extremely dear to me and I cherish them in my heart. In my opinion, giving birth to children is the most beautiful thing you can do as a woman!
That doesn't mean my path has been easy, or without pain and worry. I also know the darkness of pregnancy, loss of birth, postpartum depression. And that is of just as much value to me as the lighter pieces.
I believe that as a woman you know what is best for you and your child (even if you sometimes cannot reach it yourself) and I wish you, just like me, to look back on the most beautiful phase of your life, with everything in it. and to it, true to your own nature!
You in a loving connection with yourself and your child

What you can expect from me
Embodiment - I fully embody the depth that I also wish for you. My knowledge is both lived and drawn from an old knowledge. My heart is at home in all corners of emotion. I take good care of myself on all levels so that I stand strong for you.
Holding the space - I am present in love to what presents itself. I am strongly and gently open to your process. In service to you.
I have a backpack full of knowledge and experience of doula skills, massage, Spinning Babies® Approach (2-day workshop for birth professionals), Reiki, shamanism, (nature) coaching, hypnobirthing, pregnancy rituals, natural parenting, and being a woman. I would like to share everything I can, know and am still learning with you.
My deepest values are: Respect, Strength, Love and Trust... that's what I live by. You can find that with me.
"To be there for each other in love! That we may see in each other's eyes the reflection and memory of the strength within ourselves"
- extract from an Instagram post by Natida